This community deals with questions that are subject to "eilu va'eilu divrei Elokim Chaim -- these and those are the words of the 'Living' G-d / G-d of Life." Such questions have a range of valid answers which may even contradict each other.
Many answers provided do offer surveys of those valid answers. But not all. More often someone is unaware of the full range of answers or only presents the position which they identify with.
This means that it is quite possible to encounter an answer with which you firmly disagree but should recognize as a valid and meaningful answer.
For example, let's say someone posts an answer to some issue about Zionism based on the Satmar Rav's VaYo'el Moshe, and anti-Zionist text. It is erudite, explains itself clearly, etc... One of the community members is a staunch Zionist, a follower of Rav AY Kook, and stumbles upon this answer.
Should this answer be voted up, or down?
What is the expectation, and what is the ideal?
Should answers float to the top because more of the community is Modern Orthodox than Chassidish or that the answer was reviewed by more Yeshivish readers than Sepharadi ones?
Is the goal of the community to present the current state of the Jewish Community or the abstract theory?