Dear Fellow Yodeyans1,
I have exciting news for those of you who haven't been following chat for the past few days. It seems that Judaism.SE is slated to launch out of beta within the next few weeks! That means that we'll become a full-fledged member of the Stack Exchange network with, among other things, our own distinctive logo and site design.
This news comes from Jin Yang, Stack Exchange's resident designer, who's been working on the design for our site. He has already shown us a draft of what the site's logo could look like, and I, for one, am very impressed. Oh, and did you notice the name in that logo? Yes, that would be "Mi Yodeya," which will once again be the site's name
So, given that launch is coming, we've got some work to do. This launch will be a major milestone for the site and will be a great opportunity to promote the "new" site to people who haven't been here yet, or haven't been here for a while.
What should we do to promote the newly-launched site?
What will you do to promote the launch?
Please post ideas as answers to this question and/or as separate meta posts.
Let's take this opportunity to make more people aware of this fantastic community and resource!
For reference, here are some previous site-promotion initiatives that could stand to be re-kindled for the launch:
And here are Stack Exchange's latest thoughts on contests.
1) I know this is a bit pre-mature (see below), but I'm OK with that.