Tim Stone asked: Why do you want to be a moderator (ie, as opposed to a user with privs via high rep?)
Double AA answered: Efficiency. I do a lot of mod things already via flags, but this would be quicker and for some flags speed can be important.
Monica Cellio answered: First, so I can do more of what I already do (and BTW I don't have 10k rep yet). Second, to offer some diversity to the mod pool. I'm not an Orthodox man who grew up in yeshiva and I think I can help bring the "adult learner" and "liberal but serious" perspectives. (That's not phrased well; I'm sorry.) I don't know how much being a woman changes perspective. I sure don't want to run on gender or anything, but it's there and might matter to some.
Monica Cellio continued: In addition, my style on Mi Yodeya is very strongly of the "question and prompt before acting" style. I leave a lot of comments and enough people find them useful that I've earned Pundit (and Outspoken). I think that little diamond can help me be even more effective in that, and I recognize the additional obligation that comes with that diamond.
Adam Mosheh answered: - Because it takes a long time to earn that, and I just want get started already with facilitating (latin root means "making it easier for") people who are capable to learn from and teach others.
HodofHod answered: I love this site and community, and I feel I can help it grow (qualitatively and quantitatively) better as a mod, than a high rep user. Having been both, I feel that that is true.
msh210 answered: I've covered this in my nominee statement on the election page: "I tend to clear chatty or obsolete comments quite a bit, which is effective as a moderator (otherwise, I could only flag them for moderators' attention). Also, I have created a bunch of tag synonyms and merged tags, again something moderators can do effectively and others can't."
Seth J answered: Good question! I'd have to agree with @DoubleAA. Efficiency. I'm not sure we mean the same thing, though. What I mean is that there are certain times when something needs attention, and it just doesn't get it. That's not to say I'm more efficient than other mods. But I know when I catch something I wish there was something I could do about it right then and there.
Seth J continued: To conclude my thought, though, I ultimately want to be a moderator because I want to have more tools at my disposal to help improve the overall experience of all the users of the site. Again, I can't promise to be more effective than the mods pro tem, since I think they've done a fine job. But when I see something glaring I just feel rather helpless to improve the situation. I'm not a sit idly by kinda guy.