Should the alacrity-for-mitzvot tag exist?
If so, what should its scope be? Please propose a tag wiki that you'd like us to attach to the tag.
Should the alacrity-for-mitzvot tag exist?
If so, what should its scope be? Please propose a tag wiki that you'd like us to attach to the tag.
I think it should exist but be renamed zerizut, which I suspect is a better-recognized wording among those who would think to use the tag. It should be on any question explicitly about the halachic concept of z'rizin makdimin or the mida of z'rizus. (Not, though, on question about, e.g., doing things before shacharis, where the answer might cite z'rizus but the question doesn't mention the idea.)
Edit: (Based on the comments on this answer and the votes on this page,) I've renamed the tag zerizut-alacrity.
Yes, the tag should exist. I propose that it be a hodgepodge of three things. Please see my proposed tag wiki:
Use this tag when a question (or the correct answer) relate to either:
If instead, there are two mitzvot you could do, and you wonder which to do first, use priorities.