Wow, I've never seen an unregistered account with 18k+ rep before, a quick check shows that the owner can't recover it without our help - so that explains why they haven't been seen in quite some time.
Now, onto how to handle these, and it's never quite cut and dry. First, remember that the accepted answer is not always the best answer, it's just the one that the author of the question picked, for whatever reason. This particular question appears to have a relatively comprehensive and self-contained answer that out scored the accepted one. Therefore, if the accepted answer is deleted, then the question still has a good answer.
If the link breaks, it's got to go - or the relevant information that used to be in whatever was linked will need to move its way into the post. Otherwise, it's just a dead-end with a check mark next to it.
This brings us to a sort of flow chart:
In cases where the link-only answer is highly up-voted, you can often find a copy of what it was linking to in the Wayback machine. Note, you need to find a snapshot of the linked page at the time the link was posted. You should also then move anything relevant into the answer itself, please don't just fix the link.
Just try your best to not leave a question completely unanswered if you can - but even if you do, the worst that happens is it ends up on the unanswered questions list again where it (should) get a better answer than the one you removed.
And remember, again, accepted does not mean best - don't give substandard quality preferential treatment because of the check mark.