So far, Mi Yodeya Publications include successful editions of:
A Pesach Hagada companion
A Purim gift book
Shall we do a publication for Chanuka 5775?
Chanuka, like Pesach, is one of the most popularly-known and widely-observed Jewish holidays. I would expect a Mi Yodeya publication for Chanuka to be even more popular than our Purim one was.
As Monica Cellio pointed out, if we want to do this for this year, now is the time to get started: "Early because we don't want to wait until Cheshvan to start, but who's going to pay attention in Tishrei?"
If so, what format should we produce?
I like how the two publications we've made so far were each suited in certain ways for use on their holidays. The Hagada companion had commentary in the order of the Seder, which facilitated its use at that event. The Purim book had versions that were set up to fit well into a Mishloach Manot package.
So, what would be a good format for Chanuka? What would be the intended use? When, on Chanuka, would people love to have some awesome Chanuka Q&A on paper, in their hands?
Perhaps something octapartite, with one section intended to be used on each night, would be nice.
Since, so far, there has been one answer that implies "yes" and none that imply or say "no," I've created a chat room for working on this project.