Here's how I envision a possible podcast:
Two community members stage a weekly call, much like Joel and Jeff of Stack Exchange do. The form could be one interviewing the other. Even if they both know what's coming, I think the conversational style would be inviting to listeners. The weekly call would be recorded and posted as a podcast.
The main content would be one question, probably from the past week. (We're averaging something like 30-40 per week, so there should be at least one excellent one.) The two people on the call would introduce it, say why they find the content particularly valuable, and then read the question, all interesting/useful answers, and any particularly good comments (possibly summarizing comment discussions).
Site news, if any, could come next.
It would probably be good to write up show notes to go with each podcast, containing a summary of what was discussed and links to the relevant material.
The purposes of this endeavor would be to spread our best content into a new medium and format and, if the podcast takes on a life of its own in the podcast world, draw in users to the site.
What do you think? Does this sound worth the trouble? Any ideas for refinement of the concept?
If you like the idea, would you be interested in volunteering to be one of the hosts?
Does anyone here have experience with or equipment for producing podcasts?