"CYLOR" (See your local Orthodox Rabbi) is a much-used phrase on Mi Yodeya, and throughout many Jewish sites.
I believe this innocuous phrase has several limitations. The first is a question of audience: An Orthodox Jew would know to ask an Orthodox Rabbi; while a non-Orthodox Jew may feel judged or confused.
In addition, not all Orthodox Rabbis are competent. Additionally, the term "local" is mostly irrelevant. Many people have a connection with a solid Halachik authority who lives some distance away, and there is no reason that is any worse than a "local" one. (Perhaps the term local is a rather out-of-context translation of "marah d'asra".) In the same vein, the Rabbi does not have to be "your" Rabbi - complex or difficult questions may need a more highly qualified Halachik authority to pasken.
In our on-going effort to make Mi Yodeya more friendly, open, and conducive to Kiddush Hashem, (see hereand here for examples)I would like to suggest we search for alternatives to this common catch phrase.
A possibility is to replace CLYOR with ACR - Ask a Competent Rabbi.
What do you think about this situation? (Please write both pros and cons!)
What alternative phrases could we use?