This contest is now closed to new contestants. Hatzlacha rabba to all five contestants, and thanks very much for your participation!
There is an ongoing score chart here.
Have you ever seen one of those contests where someone begs you to "Like" their camp skit video on Facebook to help them win an IPad? Well, we'd like to try something similar, except that instead of some video, you'll be promoting valuable content on Judaism.SE, and instead of an IPad, you stand to win (at this stage) a fabulous $18 gift card from
This is a trial run of this concept, which is why we're using a relatively nominal prize. (The main point of the prize at this point is so that you can ask your network to "help me win a gift card" if you want.) We plan to use the results of this pilot to fine-tune the process and to apply to Stack Exchange for funds for a more substantial prize for the next time we do this.
How to play:
Choose a question on Judaism.SE that you find interesting and/or valuable. Any unclaimed question is eligible: old or new, yours or others', answered or not.
Claim your chosen question by posting an answer to this post.
Wait until Monday, September 12, 2011, when you get a comment notifying you that the contest has started.
For three weeks, do whatever you can to get people to view and favorite the question. Facebook it. Tweet it. Email it. Blog about it. Your friends and followers can get you a contest point simply by viewing the question in their browser. They can get you three points by clicking on the "favorite" star on the left, which only people with registered accounts can do. Of course, it's not that hard to register an account ...
If you have the highest-scoring entry, use the prize to expand your Jewish books or Judaica collection!
One entry per contestant.
One contestant per question. First come - first served.
Judaism.SE moderators are the judges and may not participate as contestants.
Each entry will consist of an answer to this post that identifies and links to a single question on Judaism.SE.
Contestants may edit their entries, including switching claimed questions, until the contest starts. No one other than a contestant or the judges may edit a contestant's entry.
All entries must be received and finalized by Monday, September 12, 2011, at 17:00 UTC (8 pm in Israel, 1 pm in New York). The initial tally will be at any time within the next six hours, at the discretion of the judges. The judges will append the current view count and number of favorites to each entry, comment on the entry to alert the contestant that the contest has started, and lock the entry against any further editing.
The contest ends on Monday, October 3, 2011, at 17:00 UTC (8 pm in Israel, 1 pm in New York). The final tally will be at any time within the next six hours, at the discretion of the judges.
The score for each entry will be the increase (final tally minus initial tally) in its view count between the contest start and the contest end plus three times the increase in its number of favorites during the same period. The highest-scoring entry will win the prize.
Note that the site measures view count very conservatively to avoid double-counting, so the official view count will likely be lower than the actual number of people who see the question. Nonetheless, this contest uses the official view count (seen on the right of the question page, near the top) for scoring.
The judges will contact the email address associated with the winner's account to arrange for the winner to claim the prize.
This contest is a low-stakes pilot project, so the judges reserve the right to patch any holes in the rules during the contest if necessary. On the other hand, contestants are asked to excuse any holes in the rules that may persist.