This is a followup to my meta post A newbie perspective after 60 days and 90 Q&As.
[...] Mi Yodeya is clearly different from other sites on the Internet (e.g., discussion forums, even other StackExchange forums). There is a FAQ of course but maybe we need a beginner’s guide to MY that we point people to and that formally articulates “How is this site different from other Judaism sites”?
There are many points I wish would have been explained to me earlier and which would in my view make the site even more friendly to beginners, would reduce some of the friction in the comments.
I am imagining an official meta post to which one can point a beginner when he starts to deviate from the norm in order to help him understand the mental model underpinning Mi Yodeya. I have seen many of these points discussed on meta but not really in a user-friendly single place to refer people early on