As an action step to Linking Mi Yodeya better with other great Judaism sites/blogs R Natan Slifkin, author of Rationalist Judaism has agreed to publish a guest post from Mi Yodeya. I told him we would pick a relevant selection of questions for his readership (and sent him a sample).
Is there somewhere a MY guest post that worked well elsewhere? Ideally it would have an introduction on what is MiYodeya (e.g., the largest collaborative experiment to build a high-quality database of Jewish Q&As), maybe some statistics (number of authors, viewers, questions) and sample questions.
If not, is there a volunteer to draft something? I'm hoping this can be leveraged across multiple blogs.
Worst case I will do it but I'm still a newbie.
Here is what I sent him
If I may I have a question related to your blog and whether you would be open to publish a guest post from My Yodeya (MY). MY is a Jewish question and answer site with which I am involved, part of the Stack Exchange family of more than 150 Q&A websites. I have found it to be a wonderful place to learn and share once knowledge of Judaism with a community of learned individuals and beginners who want to learn. If you are curious see
the welcome tour which explains the overall concept in two minutes
To give you a sense of the type of questions being asked here are some examples (with a slight bias towards some questions I answered)
Implications of Samoa skipping a Friday Reason behind pinky during hagba Must you inform someone if you know you could save them from losing money? Benefiting from work done by a non-observant Jew after Shabbat Is sky-diving forbidden because of the risk to one's life? Scrutinising the legitimacy/cause of a charity collector
I was wondering if there would be a way that some of this content might also be interesting to readers of your blog, and if we could find a way to share some of the best Q&As with your readers either once or on a periodic basis. One could even pick Q&A with a more scientific/rationalist bent.
On the other side, you might feel this has nothing to do with Rationalist Judaism or you’d prefer not to be associated with MY. This would also be perfectly fine.
I look forward to your thoughts. Warm regards, -m