Before I really began to understand the profound nature of Orthodoxy, I was thinking to leave the forum because I tend to approach Scripture from a different perspective than Orthodox Jews do. I do not disregard Rabbinic writings. I find them helpful in gaining perspective, wisdom, and understanding, especially in areas that written Torah is unclear or in circumstances that may add a different element to be considered. But I do not take it as authoritative if or when it seems to contradict Torah, or is at variance with the Writings and the Prophets in the Tanakh, or when its premises are unclear.
I believe God provides teachers, and government and such to enable us to effectively apply His Laws in every generation and every situation and circumstance. By walking with the wise, we become wise.
I wondered if I might get more of the kinds of answers I was looking for among the Scripturalist Jews. And, I have greatly appreciated their writings. Many of my questions were promptly answered and put to rest in reading some of their writings. But so were some of my questions answered by the Rabbis in Orthodox Judaism. It seems I would benefit from both. And it seems there is at least one Karaite Jew on the forum.
I see that the general consensus seems to have landed that the forum is for those who base their lives on Torah and believe both written Torah, and tradition are binding:
A Karaite Judaic perspective, which does believe Torah is binding, bases life on Scripture and finds wisdom in tradition and the writings of tradition, but does not see tradition as binding, never really came into prior discussions. Lest I misrepresent them, I will let them speak for themselves:
"...while we don't out right reject the Oral traditions of the Rabbis we consider them as commentary and judge them in view of the Written Tanakh.
So I feel it appropriate to ask if the forum would consider welcoming answers from a Karaite tradition?