Have you seen (or written) a recent answer on Mi Yodeya that you thought was really great? Let's have a contest to help you tell everyone about it!
This contest had two phases: Nomination and Voting. It is now over.
Nomination - ending June 20, 2018
Post an answer to this Meta post containing a link to the Mi Yodeya answer you want to nominate. Answers created in Nisan- Sivan, 5778 (from March 17, 2018 through June 13, 2018) are eligible.
Please link to one answer in each entry. Nominate as many answers as you like in separate answers to this post.
When you see a great answer, don't wait; post a link to it here before you forget!
Please do not vote on any answers to this post during the Nomination phase.
Voting - June 20 - 27, 2018
On June 20, this post was edited to indicate that the Voting phase has begun, and the featured tag was added.
During this phase, everyone is invited to vote on the answers to this post however you see fit. Upvote (or downvote, I guess) as many as you like.
The answer linked in the highest voted answer to this meta post will receive a bounty of 300 points after completion of the event on June 27, 2018. In case of a tie, the distinction will be shared, and the prize will be split.
Concept and words borrowed from Movies.SE.