When voting to close a question you can choose from several different reasons. However, when the question actually gets put on hold, it only shows the reason with the most votes. So for instance, if four people voted to close for reason A and one person voted to close for reason B, the note will only mention reason A.
Is there a reason that it doesn't show all the selected reasons? Is this something that might be changed?
Given that it won't show a second reason, how should that impact the voter? If I see a question with four close votes for reason A but I disagree with reason A but I also just happen to think it should be closed for reason B, what should I do?
If I vote to close for reason B, the answer will be put on hold (as mine was the determining vote) but it will say a reason that I disagree with. If the questioner would edit the question to satisfy the reason mentioned, I would still think it should be closed. Additionally, if I think that the other reason is wrong, then I am essentially saying that the question should get closed for my reason with just one vote. Perhaps that is an abuse of power?*
If I don't vote to close then I am failing to express an important opinion on the status of the question, and perhaps allowing a question that should be closed stay open.
Is there an accepted protocol here? Perhaps vote to close but leave a comment explaining that I disagree with the main reason? Or perhaps don't vote to close and leave a comment saying that I think it should be closed for a different reason? Something else?
(This is based on the voting to close this question. It had four votes to close based on comparative religion, but I voted to close as not abut Judaism.)
*Perhaps a separate question, but should different reasons combine to reach the threshold to close in the first place? If you need five people to state that there is something problematic with the question, why should four people stating one problem and one person stating another problem count? There is still no problem pointed out by five people.