It seems like there is a conflict between values when asking a question. On the one hand, asking and answering your own question is allowed, and even encouraged. On the other hand, questioners are asked to include any research they have done, and are asked not to conceal anything that would be relevant to the answer.
If someone asks a question and knows an answer, how should he balance these two values? Take this question, for instance. The questioner knew an answer ("In a lecture on the laws of Ribbis which I heard from R' Pinchos Vind Shlita of Yerushalayim...") but made no mention of it in the question. This might have been because he wanted to answer his own question. However, this seems to be concealing research. If he would have included it in the question, though, he would not have been able to answer the question.
How should one ask such questions?
Here are a bunch of Meta questions that relate to this, but don't quite explicitly address how to deal with the clash of values:
If I know the answer to a question..............
How to handle "clothesline for my cute vort" questions?
Should I populate this site with questions?