
Have you seen (or written) a recent answer on Mi Yodeya that you thought was really great? Let's have a contest to help you tell everyone about it!

This contest has two phases: Nomination and Voting. It is currently over. Read about the winners here: Best Answer Contest winners! Second quarter of 5779

  1. Nomination - ending April 10, 2019

    Post an answer to this Meta post containing a link to the Mi Yodeya answer you want to nominate. Answers created in Tevet - Adar II, 5779 (from December 9, 2018 through April 5, 2019) are eligible1.

    Please link to one answer in each entry. Nominate as many answers as you like in separate answers to this post.

    When you see a great answer, don't wait; post a link to it here before you forget!

    Please do not vote on any answers to this post during the Nomination phase.

  2. Voting - April 10 - 17, 2019

    On April 10, this post was edited to indicate that the Voting phase has begun, and the tag was added.

    During this phase, everyone is invited to vote on the answers to this post however you see fit. Upvote (or downvote, I guess) as many as you like.

400-point bounty button

The answer linked in the highest voted answer to this meta post will receive a bounty of 400 points2 after completion of the event on April 17. 2019. In case of a tie, the distinction will be shared, and the prize will be split.

1. Yes, this does include Purim Torah answers.

2. In honor of this "quarter" having been extended by the Sanhedrin of Hillel Hakatan to four months.

Concept and words borrowed from Movies.SE.


12 Answers 12


I would like to nominate Alex's answer to How long was the period of Oppression which, in a near-essay, brings together multiple historical sources, factoids and wonderful writing to answer an age-old question.


I'd like to nominate sam's answer to Is using hair removal cream on one's face a violation of "rounding one's beard?" A picture is worth a thousand words, and all the more when demonstrating historical positions. It's hard to imagine ever giving a Shiur on this topic again without showing off these photos of a rare artifact. Thank you sam!


I would like to nominate DonielF's answer to Does the Holy Ark weigh 4 tons? which demonstrates impressive, detailed and original research.


I nominate Micha Berger's answer to When, halachically, does a sect of Judaism become an independent religion? His thorough summary of a seminal article on the topic captures the nuance and complexity of the issue while remaining readable and succinct.


Yair Rand's answer to what percentage of Reform Jews are halachically Jewish? does original statistical analysis for a question that many Yodeyans had previously thought impossible to answer with firm basis. Thank you Yair for taking the time to bring that information to the community.


mbloch's answer to Shabbat Amidah, which parts addresses a beginner-POV question that includes significant confusion about basic matters by carefully pulling apart all of the issues and addressing each one with links to authoritative, accessible resources. This is a great example of how to be as helpful as possible to someone who needs to start with the basics.


I would like to nominate Dr. Shmuel’s Maseches Yodeya. I flat-out don’t believe him in how long it took to make this; it’s very well put together, and he clearly took the time to research some MY lore in his discussions of site policy, the original Alex’s leaving, and much more.

  • 1
    Btw I see plenty of flaws with it however shkoyach
    – Dr. Shmuel
    Commented Mar 7, 2019 at 4:00
  • @Dr.Shmuel It’s not perfect, but it’s still a great post that gave me a good laugh.
    – DonielF
    Commented Mar 7, 2019 at 4:00

I nominate kouty's answer to What should have Rabbi Tarfon done? for bringing relevant sources that explain Rabbi Tarfon's own practices in ruling and practicing like Beit Shamai and Beit Hilel.


I would like to nominate Meir's answer to my PTIJ question, PTIJ: Aliyot for the deceased. It was the type of answer that makes you laugh out loud, but also kick yourself for not thinking of it...


This answer despite is mine

יהללך זר ולא פיך


חביבין עלי

Because this is pshat Gemara Tosfot centered


I would like to nominate my answer to Why is kedusha only said during the day?

It was a thoroughly researched answer, which tackled a few different possible answers with fascinating sources.


I would like to also nominate my answer to Source for it being a mitzvah to make fun of Avodah Zarah?

It provided a clear answer to the question, but also summarized and added to the previous literature discussing it.

  • What was the conclusion? Is nomination during voting allowed?
    – DonielF
    Commented Apr 10, 2019 at 19:25
  • @DonielF it ends at the end of today, according to the post Commented Apr 10, 2019 at 22:22
  • You read that as עד ועד בכלל?
    – DonielF
    Commented Apr 10, 2019 at 22:53
  • Yup! (dead space) Commented Apr 10, 2019 at 23:09

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