StackExchange is a pretty popular site around the world. If you consider the entire StackExchange network, it is well within the world's top 50 most visited platforms.
However I found it very interesting that this page
, has so much content, especially when you compare to a much larger religious group's page, like
The current stats are
Islam Judaism
questions 12k questions 34k
answers 19k answers 52k
answered 82% answered 84%
users 27k users 15k
The proportion of users between islam
and judaism
(27:15) roughly matches the proporiton of Muslims to Jews in North America (assuming nobody else in the world uses StackExchange)
What then explains the massive difference in the number of questions and answers?
Does it demonstrate that Judaism has more rules and therefore more confusion? Does it demonstrate that Judaism is more open to interpretation? Could it simply be that there's another far more popular forum about Islam but not something similar for Judaism?
I'm interested to hear theories