I'm undecided whether I think trying to rebuild here or elsewhere is the better move, but if the decision is to rebuild here, I think there are a few things that need to be addressed:
A lot of the older, more dedicated, users were affected by Monica being fired, and either left the site entirely or started posting a lot less. (I personally joined a little before then, and left shortly after for unrelated reasons. I only recently became active on the site again).
Because of this, a lot of new users will come and find a 'ghost town', and won't stick around, thereby stunting the growth of the site.
Also, a lot of the answers/ comments people (including new users) will get will be cold/ impersonal, further turning them off of the site
Additionally, (and this is unrelated), many of the questions new users have, have been asked before and will be marked as duplicates, further discouraging them from being active. (I'm not sure there's any solution for this, apart from changing the rules of how duplicates are marked)
The site is rebuilding, and there are quite a few newer users who are as dedicated as some of the older users used to be. Of course, it'll take time, but it'll happen at some point. If we want to speed up the process (and I'm not sure how feasible moving to another site is, so this might be the best option), I think we need a team of dedicated people who can work on a few short to medium term projects which will artificially boost engagement (Maybe it's time for another answerathon?) This will hopefully attract more new users, as well as convince them to stick around, in theory leading to more acitve users, more qeustions and answers, and in time hopefully a snowball effect.
Also, having a standardized greeting to new users is useful, but only insomuch as it's used. Oftentimes new users will be bombarded with comments before being belatedly greeted by someone; this is something that can easily be changed (not by a mod or anyone specific, by all of us as a whole) and might help convince users to stay (besides for being simple derech eretz). In addition, inviting users to look at similar questions to the one they've asked (by linking the tags they've used in their question) might be enticing.
I'm not sure how affective any of this would be, but with Siyata d'Shmaya we'll continue to regrow and recreate the community.
Some ideas for possible projects (feel free to edit ideas in):
• An Answerathon, although maybe with different rules than the previous times to make it more user-friendly
• Restart the mi-yodeya 'number' questions (I'm not sure this is practical at the number we've reached)
• Have a weekly bountied parsha question (either one that's been asked before and unanswered, or a new one), the question can be bountied motzei shabbos (before the parsha the question was asked about), and be rewarded the following motzei shabbos.
• shiurim can be given via the chatrooms, guest Rabbis/ speakers can be invited on as well every so often.
• There can be a weekly (or monthly) newsletter which can include the top questions and answers from that time period, plus maybe an interesting question or two from years ago (this might help being more interest to otherwise 'forgotten' questions). I remember there was something like this at one point, but I'm not sure whether it still exists. Another thing that can be included in the newsletter is a 'message board' of sorts, saying how many questions/ answers were given over the time period, which user got the most points, welcoming new users, congratulating bounty winners, etc. (think anything you'd find on a shul newsletter, but for MiYodeya). This can also include stuff from users' personal lives, when applicable.
This type of thing (if it works) is a sign of a community, like a shul
I don't mean to cause any pain or Ogmas Nefesh to anyone who doesn't feel comfortable using the site anymore, especially not to Monica, so please don't be offended. I just want what's best for the site and users.