Recently, a question was asked which recommend "bypassing" some of the most important sanctifications in Judaism in favor of the exact inverse of what is in the spirit of the Torah. While there is nothing wrong with an innocent Halchic question, the OP seems to looking for simple and, frankly, frivolous solution to a "problem", a mere hindrance in life.
- Even if the question WAS legit - it is an extremely complex one with extremely serious consciences and not something that is appropriate for a Q&A site on the internet.
- At the very least, it is in violation of the rule "Your questions should be reasonably scoped. If you can imagine an entire book that answers your question, you’re asking too much."
- The question is totally not in the spirit of our mesorah, and quite to its contrary. Again, had it been a halcahic discourse maybe we can look at it differently. In this case, it is a slap in face to all that is sacred.
- Should any "halachic" decision be reached, they are subject to interpretation of all/any Googlers and may lead to grave mistakes and misconceptions based on the data provided in both the question and the answer.
In light of the above, I motion to have the question closed AND STRICKEN FROM THE RECORD, and implore the mod's to stand in favor.