Here at Stack Exchange we are all about making the Internet better by giving great answers to awesome questions. We periodically check in on individual sites to see how they stack up against the rest of the Internet. This gives us a pretty good idea of which sites are progressing, and which are struggling... But it doesn't do much for you!
To fix that we'd like to tap into the collective wisdom of the experts here. We want to know whether questions here are meaningful and whether they and their answers are easy to find with a Google search. I can think of nobody better equipped to judge that than you, Jewish Life & Learning users and moderators!
Below you'll find ten questions, picked at random from Jewish Life & Learning. Take a look at each, and try to find the answer on Google - then compare what you find to the answer(s) given here. Then leave comments here to let us know whether Google has a leg up on us here or if we are way more awesome than any other site (or somewhere in-between).
The goal here is for you to gauge how much effort you'd have to put in to answer the question if SE wasn't around, and how the results stack up.
P.S. At Double AA's suggestion, feel free to vote on the answers as well. Upvote if we have a better answer here. Downvote if we don't.
Don't worry if you can't look at all 10 questions. Any and all reviews and comments would be very helpful.
This evaluation is now done and closed.
Thank you very much to everybody who's come out, checked out these questions, and voted/commented on them. Your input has been incredibly helpful.