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Should I delete my answer? [duplicate]

I recently answered a question, and as I posted the answer I realised someone else had "beat me to the punch" and had posted (almost exactly) the same answer as I was wording mine. What's ...
Lo ani's user avatar
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Policy on multi part answers?

B"H One has the option to add multiple answers to the same question. The question now is, that there is a character limit for each answer. If one has a very detailed answer that would best be ...
B''H Bi'ezras -- Boruch Hashem's user avatar
3 votes
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New answers to old related questions

Tosfos Within the Same Mesechta Who is the voice of Tosafoth? Tosfos vs Tosfos HaRosh The above 3 questions relate to the history of the printing and editing of the Tosaphos collections. This page, ...
Solomon Light's user avatar
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Undelete answer deleted by moderator

My answer here deleted by mod. I edited it so I think it valid now, but I can't undelete. what to do now?
Alaychem goes to Codidact's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

How to avoid answering in comments

Mi Yodeya has a very high standard for answers, and I highly respect them (us) for that. This is both in strongly asking for sources, always necessary in Judaism, all the more so with the inherent and ...
Mordechai's user avatar
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Weird bug in answer text displayed

I noticed the following weird discrepancy between the answer text shown in my inbox and the actual post. The answer, as it appears in my inbox, begins "I read once that it stems...". However, when I ...
רבות מחשבות's user avatar
4 votes
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Flagging as Not an Answer

I'm still having trouble understanding when the "Not an Answer" flag should be used. I recently flagged a couple of answers to Is there a short Daf Yomi shiur online in English? as not being an ...
רבות מחשבות's user avatar
-1 votes
3 answers

Should we/can we have a flag/delete reason for “objectively wrong”?

Potentially a way to address Dealing with incorrect answers. Is it possible within the constraints of the SE system to have custom flags and delete reasons, like we have custom close reasons? If it ...
DonielF's user avatar
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Later comment(s) vitiates answer

Scenario: After the OP words a question in a general way and elicits a valid answer (and sometimes the answer) OP then comments (usually under the question) and includes qualifications which ...
Oliver's user avatar
  • 12.1k
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Should we edit questions to include relevant information that is already in the answer?

Suppose there is a question which is rather sparse on details. Perhaps some readers won't even be able to derive the question from what is posted. But some readers understand what the question is, ...
Alex's user avatar
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-3 votes
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Should an answer by the questioner be held to a different standard?

I think it is pretty obvious that we have standards for answers. Some are more serious and lead to deletion; some are less serious and only lead to downvotes. My question here is whether someone ...
Alex's user avatar
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Answers that don't refer to Judaism or anything Jewish (but still address the question)

If a question can be answered without any reference to Judaism or anything Jewish, is that indicative that the question is not really on-topic? Example: Good dimensions for a Shulchan (Reading Table) ...
Alex's user avatar
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Should an answer preempt comments

Often times an answer to a question may raise further questions. Sometimes the follow-up questions might be directly related to the original question, while at times they may be tangential. This ...
Alex's user avatar
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Partially redundant answers

Mi Yodeya may have an issue that is somewhat unique among StackExchange sites. Because of the nature of questions and answers about Judaism, there can be many completely different answers to one ...
Alex's user avatar
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Are links strictly necessary when citing a source?

This came up in respect to my answer here. I hadn’t seen a meta post with an official policy on the topic, so I figured I’d ask. In my time here I’ve almost never linked to a source unless it’s some ...
DonielF's user avatar
  • 34.7k
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Primary vs Secondary sources

Many answers on Mi Yodeya include sources, often from rabbinic literature. Many times the entire answer can be a quotation from such a source. I would think that the simplest and best way to pose a ...
Alex's user avatar
  • 50.3k
8 votes
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Dealing with incorrect answers

Suppose an answer is blatantly incorrect. (E.g. it quotes a Talmudic passage to answer the question, but the passage in question actually says the exact opposite.) I would assume that normally the ...
Alex's user avatar
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Tags for answers [duplicate]

Has anyone ever thought about having tags for answers in addition to the tags for questions? That is to say that when someone writes an answer they would be able to assign tags to the answer separate ...
Alex's user avatar
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Addressing only a second premise of a question

If someone asks a question that is based on multiple premises, can a valid answer simply refute any of the premises? Specifically in a case where one premise appears to precede a second one, can a ...
Alex's user avatar
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Too much information in an answer

I sometimes write answers and deliberately leave them somewhat vague/open-ended. I do this because at times I feel that by being more specific it actually diminishes the value of the answer. If the ...
Alex's user avatar
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Questions asking to prove a negative

When someone asks a question asking to prove a negative (such as "is this true" or the like), should it be left up forever, or should it be closed after a certain amount of time, and would an answer ...
Uber_Chacham's user avatar
7 votes
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What is the benefit of combining answers?

I posted 3 different answers to a question and was prompted in a comment to combine my answers. I do not see any benefit to doing so as the answers are different, not necessarily complementary and I ...
rikitikitembo's user avatar
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Criterion for Voting

This community deals with questions that are subject to "eilu va'eilu divrei Elokim Chaim -- these and those are the words of the 'Living' G-d / G-d of Life." Such questions have a range of valid ...
Micha Berger's user avatar
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Answering a question hinted to in a comment

Is it OK to answer a question, where someone had commented on the question with information that can really be used as an answer? I thought of this when I came across this link where Menachem ...
user avatar
7 votes
4 answers

Why comments and not answers?

Why is it that so many people leave answers in the "comments" section, as opposed to the "answer" section? (You may leave your answer in either section 😉)
Talmid's user avatar
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Is Mi Yodeya a Judaism Stack Exchange, or a Rabbinic Judaism Stack Exchange?

Before I really began to understand the profound nature of Orthodoxy, I was thinking to leave the forum because I tend to approach Scripture from a different perspective than Orthodox Jews do. I do ...
user avatar
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Poor quality answers from the "good old days"

Many have observed that during the early days of the site, standards were still somewhat in formation, and many older posts lack the quality that would constitute a valid answer, sometimes asking ...
Y     e     z's user avatar
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Why no answer tags?

More often than not, the key information related to a topic of discussion is in the answers, not in the question. So why is there no option to tag based on the answers, or even separate tagging for ...
Loewian's user avatar
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Unpopular answers that may be the correct ones

There were two similar questions that asked for two very similar sources. Where is it taught that Hashem doesn't give a person test that he can't overcome? and Source: God only gives people what ...
Aaron's user avatar
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Is it acceptable to delete a question that already has upvoted answers?

This question was deleted after I answered it and received upvotes. This is frowned upon on SF&F SE, and I assume that the same rules apply here. If the question was off topic, shouldn't it ...
Wad Cheber's user avatar
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Is there a suggested waiting period prior to answering my own question?

I noticed in the M.Y. rules that it is fine for someone to answer his / her own question. On a few occasions, I have posted a question that I already have an answer for. I usually don't like to be a "...
DanF's user avatar
  • 71.5k
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Answering questions based on comments from the OP

If an OP asks a question, and a clarification is made by the OP in the comments, whether it be a comment on the question or on an answer, should an answer be posted which answers the question based on ...
Y     e     z's user avatar
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Are there any M.Y. criteria or policies in deciding when someone should post an additional answer vs. editing the first answer?

See this question. One user has posted 2 answers. It seems that they are merely different sources for answering the question. I'm wondering if it would have made sense just to merge these 2 answers ...
DanF's user avatar
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Notification when an answer to your question is edited

I've noticed that as the question author you get notifications if there is a new answer, but not if an existing answer is edited. That doesn't seem right, as often edits are worth seeing, and as the ...
Yishai's user avatar
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What to do with an answer that's part-right, part-wrong?

Consider this recent answer about dealing with smoke detectors making annoying noise on Shabbat. In it, the answerer, coming from a point-of-view outside traditional Judaism but knowledgeable and ...
Isaac Moses's user avatar
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How should we handle Hebrew-only answers?

The language of Stack Exchange is English. On this site, many answers (and questions) will also involve Hebrew, and we don't want to discourage that. This answer contains a citation in English and ...
Monica Cellio's user avatar
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Is a link-only answer to within MY acceptable?

@Scimonster I thought we decided that a mi.y link was OK. This is not to say, of course, that the other link shouldn't be expanded on :) – Shokhet 6 hours ago @Shokhet, 1) 2 upvotes doesn't ...
Scimonster's user avatar
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Is it OK to post extensive comments as answers?

Here and there, I see answers prefaced by "this is really just a comment that got too long" or the like (and after seeing this a few times I felt comfortable doing it myself, twice in fact). Is that ...
הנער הזה's user avatar
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Two questions, one answer [duplicate]

What should I do, when I've written an answer that would answer two (non-duplicate) questions, equally well? One example of this would be my answer here, which answers the question that it's posted to ...
MTL's user avatar
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What's the point of posting an answer based on something that's already online?

If I find an English-language article online that directly addresses a question on Mi Yodeya, why should I bother going to all the trouble suggested in our citation guideline - citing, summarizing, ...
Isaac Moses's user avatar
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Someone answered a duplicate question

I was surprised when I saw a question rise to the top of Mi Yodeya's stack, that said "answered," while the question title said duplicate. Is this a bug? Here's a link to the question; here's a link ...
MTL's user avatar
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Answering a question that you voted to close

When is appropriate for a user that voted to close a question to go ahead and answer the question as well? Granted that if their closed opinion wasn't accepted by the community, they shouldn't ...
Yishai's user avatar
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-4 votes
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Another "bully overflow"

Yeah I know downvote downvote downvotes. But rep doesn't count here. Far from the Jewish spirit of welcoming in new people, guests, etc. you are bullying people with your downvote tactics. Where is ...
CashCow's user avatar
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Are "see this source" answers link-only?

Is an answer that says basically "see what book x says about this" considered a link only answer? Not that i've been seeing lots of these, i was just curious.
Scimonster's user avatar
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What to do when you only have a partial answer

Many times I find myself with relevant, sourced information when I look at a question, but won't have a complete answer. For example, in this recent question, the question asked for when large-scale ...
MTL's user avatar
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Duplicate answers where the higher quality answer was added after the lower quality answer

Following on this question, what should the policy be if an existing question with an existing answer gets a new answer that is higher quality (e.g. provides a source, maybe adds additional ...
Yishai's user avatar
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Deleting duplicate answers when the lower quality duplicate was added to an existing question with a pre-existing higher quality duplicative answer

So I had an answer to this question (actually I answered it on this question before Menachem(?) found the duplicate at which point I also voted to close as duplicate) deleted because it is a duplicate ...
Yishai's user avatar
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Multiple upvotes on a single question

Is there anything wrong with upvoting all of the answers to a single question? I realized that I've done this several times already, because I liked all of the answers. On the one hand, אלו ואלו, ...
הנער הזה's user avatar
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Answers that say "I asked my Rabbi and he said..."

Given that this website is not intended for issuing halachic decisions, are answers that offer no source other than "I asked my Rabbi and he said..." valid answers? What your personal rabbi tells you,...
Y     e     z's user avatar
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Are answer posts of the form "your answer isn't..." okay?

One of the questions on Mi Yodeya is: I remember hearing that Rachel Imeinu was buried in kever Rachel, but was only there for one night and then she went to Mearas Hamachpaila. I can't ...
msh210's user avatar
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