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Questions tagged [asking-questions]

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How to bring a question from Biblical Hermeneutics for answer here?

I have seen a question on Biblical Hermeneutics to which a Jewish answer would be interesting to me. How do I introduce it here? It is
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

Limit to amount of questions asked daily

Lately, it seems that some users ask countless questions in succession. Is this something that is encouraged? I believe that if there was a question limit ,users would be forced to think over their ...
sam's user avatar
  • 42.5k
1 vote
1 answer

Can I ask this question on templates used for layout in seforim?

There are some questions on formatting seforim, what programs to use etc.. but I was wondering if I could ask the following question: I am writing a sefer with my own chiddushim on the parasha, and ...
Shmuel's user avatar
  • 11.2k
2 votes
1 answer

Is my answer considered spam?

A while ago I asked a question: Is there a website that has a list of Roshei Teivot in text format? Since I couldn't find a good resource for my answer, I have decided to create my own solution. This ...
MendelG's user avatar
  • 139
5 votes
2 answers

I created a Jewish app that I think will be useful to others, can I promote it on Mi Yodeya?

I created a Jewish app, and I was wondering if I can post a link to the app on Mi Yodeya, would that be considered Spam?
MendelG's user avatar
  • 139
0 votes
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Does my desire for extra information on Deuteronomy 22:1-3 warrant a separate question?

I recently asked the following question: Does Deuteronomy 22:1-3 apply to stray pets (e.g., dogs)? It seems the answer is "Yes." However, I'm not sure whether it applies if I live with my ...
The Editor's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Are questions of the form “Rabbi so-and-so wrote a Sefer on X Jewish topic, but i need it in Hebrew” on-topic?

For instance: “Rashi wrote a commentary on the Torah, but I don’t speak Hebrew and old French. Does anyone have an English translation?” And a valid answer would be a link to Sefaria, or Artscroll’s ...
DonielF's user avatar
  • 34.6k
9 votes
1 answer

May I ask a question about whether a claim about Judaism made by a non-Jewish religion is true?

Related: What should we do with "does Judaism permit this random special case that I won't elaborate on" questions? A website promoting a religion other than Judaism has a statement ...
Robert Columbia's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Answering your own question vs concealing information

It seems like there is a conflict between values when asking a question. On the one hand, asking and answering your own question is allowed, and even encouraged. On the other hand, questioners are ...
Alex's user avatar
  • 49.8k
9 votes
2 answers

Does this stack have a not-answering-questions problem? What should be done about it?

(This question is intended as a less-ranty and less-likely-to-be-immediately-closed version of another recent one. I'm posting this as a new question because suggested edits aren't possible on Meta.) ...
A_S00's user avatar
  • 131
1 vote
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Is it better to ask a new question or place a bounty on an old one?

Let’s say that Reuven posts a question, and Shimon posts an answer to that question. I don’t like Shimon’s answer for reason XYZ. Is it better for me to post a bounty on Reuven’s question, asking for ...
DonielF's user avatar
  • 34.6k
2 votes
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Please let me know how much time i have left to post another question

so i just posted a question on the main site, and tried to ask another. i dunno why, but the system told me that i can only ask a question every forty minutes. so fine i'll wait in the chat room. i ...
Samuel's user avatar
  • 197
2 votes
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Clarifying Hebrew language policy

According to the official FAQ (with the parts irrelevant to this post left out): If you have a question about... language used in Judaism Why is הושיעה Mileel whereas הצליחה is ...
DonielF's user avatar
  • 34.6k
4 votes
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Is a question requesting on understanding the Hashkafa of "X" a suitable question for Mi Yodeya?

(Just wondering before I possibly ask) Without being political, would asking a question regarding the Hashkafa of an iconic figure in Judaism or larger community within the Jewish world a suitable ...
TrustMeI'mARabbi's user avatar
0 votes
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Are questions of the form "Is X discussed in Jewish sources" on-topic? [duplicate]

On the one hand, there are several legitimate questions that can be phrased in this manner. Off the top of my head, there are several already on board, regarding aliens, vampires, werewolves, time ...
DonielF's user avatar
  • 34.6k
5 votes
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Could one post questions/answers in Hebrew/Lashon Hakodesh without translating?

Some questions on the conduct of asking/answering questions on Mi Yodeya. (1)When answering a question and putting up a source, is it expected of the answerer to translates the sources used? (2)If ...
TrustMeI'mARabbi's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Are questions regarding something impossible allowed? [duplicate]

Of course, it is impossible to create something ex nihilo. [Citation needed.] But, for a moment, let's pretend it's possible. Would there be a halachos issue with doing so on Shabbos? (I'm assuming ...
DonielF's user avatar
  • 34.6k
4 votes
9 answers

Maximum limits on PTIJ questions per user

In another post, suggestions for improving the quality of PTIJ material were discussed. In the highest voted answer there, one suggestion was to impose a limit of how many PTIJ questions each user ...
Y     e     z's user avatar
1 vote
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Is the Karite sect and their religion on topic? [duplicate]

It seems there are questions that pop up here and there concerning Karites and their religion. Are they on topic here at Mi Yodea, a site dedicated to traditional Judaism? Should we include all ...
user6591's user avatar
  • 34k
7 votes
2 answers

Questions not well received when none have negative votes!

Here is the record for my questions on this Mi Yodeya site Yet (on the fast of Av of all times) I get this offensive message warning me that I am near to being banned because of some problems with my ...
barlop's user avatar
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Notification when an answer to your question is edited

I've noticed that as the question author you get notifications if there is a new answer, but not if an existing answer is edited. That doesn't seem right, as often edits are worth seeing, and as the ...
Yishai's user avatar
  • 32.2k
-3 votes
1 answer

Request for d'var Torah questions

I'm thinking about posting a series of questions (in the spirit of the mi-yodeya-series) of the form, "What are some good, short divrei Torah from Parashat X?" where X is replaced with each parasha. ...
Daniel's user avatar
  • 25k
10 votes
3 answers

Do I need to dejargonify highly technical questions?

I try very hard, when I post on MY, to dejargonify as much as I can, so that what I write is accessible to as many people as possible. I've even been doing it (by now, mostly out of habit) whenever I ...
MTL's user avatar
  • 19.2k
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3 answers

Is this an appropriate question re belief in evolotion by religious scientists?

I want to ask about the ethical impact of being a scientist and belief in the Torah, but I'm not sure how to keep it from being opinion-based. A member of my shul, an award-winning bio-chemist who ...
Bruce James's user avatar
  • 16.1k
7 votes
1 answer

A way to say custom but not minhag

Within the context of Judaism Minhag is a term of art that is usually translated in English as "custom". There are times when I want to ask a question on MiYodea about the customs of Jews which are ...
Popular Isn't Right's user avatar
3 votes
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Posting a similar question

I am trying to post a new question that differs only in five words (the only significant ones) from a pre-existing one. I get a warning, but if I press "submit" again, the system gets stuck loading.
Adám's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

Duplicate questions where the higher quality question was added after the lower quality question?

Following from this topic, I'd like to posit a few hypotheticals about duplicate questions, and ask what we should do in each case: Hypothetical #1: The situation described in the title. A question ...
user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Reposting quiz questions

I found a booklet for bochrim for Bein Hazmanim. It has lots of fascinating "quiz" questions. No answers provided. E.g: How can women bring Bikurim if it's time bound? Only allowed to bring ...
Danny Schoemann's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

How detailed do source-seeking questions need to be?

I've seen lots of questions, especially ones on the 'sources-mekorot' tag, that ask questions along the lines of, "where is the source that X", or "I've heard/seen practice X", etc. (in other words, ...
הנער הזה's user avatar
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How useful are 'parameters' or 'extent' questions?

There are many questions on the site asking about 'parameters', such as: What are the parameters of Kiddush ha-shem? The Parameters of Hakaras HaTov? What are the parameters of Tircha D'Tzibbur What ...
הנער הזה's user avatar
2 votes
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New questions disappearing momentarily

If I have two windows open, one to Recently Active Questions, and in the other I ask a new question, the Recently Asked Question window has a message appear that there is one question with new ...
Y     e     z's user avatar
4 votes
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Requesting Purim Torah answers to serious-looking questions

The Purim Torah policy addresses question that are, themselves, in the Purim spirit. But there is also Purim Torah which takes for its starting point a “real” question; only the answer is ridiculous. ...
J. C. Salomon's user avatar
4 votes
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"Obvious" Questions and borrowed answers

Over the last couple of days, I have put information in the comments section and I have had users indicate that I should put the information in an answer. I feel that in both cases, there was a ...
rosends's user avatar
  • 38.5k
8 votes
0 answers

autocomplete tag synonyms

When retagging (or asking) a question on the main site, you can type in tag names, and they will autocomplete for you. That used to work with synonyms also (for example, I'd type in diaspor, and chutz-...
msh210's user avatar
  • 73.7k
0 votes
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Questions about the site

Is there a chat room for this site? Are you allowed to ask a question of a question, ie., seek further clarification to an answer to your question? Are you allowed to razzle dazzle your posts with ...
user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

How large is too large?

I am trying to ask the following question, but am taking flack from the prominent community members as the scale & scope is possibly too large. Can you give me specific guidelines for what makes a ...
Clint Eastwood's user avatar
2 votes
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Does the order of tags matter?

E.g. in, the editors clearly applied significance to the ordering of tags (besides for adding more). But, does it matter at all?
Adám's user avatar
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2 votes
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A question which exists elsewhere (but not strictly cross posting)

I came up with a question this morning and, before I posted it, I started researching. I found the exact same question posted elsewhere but no answer was given. It would be most efficient to cut and ...
rosends's user avatar
  • 38.5k
12 votes
3 answers

"Here's my devar Torah. Do any of the commentaries say this?"

What is our attitude toward questions of the following form? Multiple paragraphs describing a cool idea I had for interpreting something in the Torah. Do any of the commentaries support this? Here's ...
Isaac Moses's user avatar
  • 48.4k
5 votes
1 answer

Are scenario questions acceptable for asking?

Are hypothetical questions that are limited to a specific scenario valid for asking, even though the chances of the scenario actually occurring are very slim?
Bochur613's user avatar
  • 4,707
8 votes
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Why does it matter if there is a duplicate?

Why does it matter if the same question is asked twice? Sometimes the second question gets better answer.
Hacham Gabriel's user avatar
15 votes
2 answers

I don't think we're explaining sourcing properly to new users

A lot of opinion follows: Here at Mi.Yodeya, we place a strong emphasis on sourced questions and answers. New users, who are unfamiliar with this, often ask unsourced but otherwise decent questions (...
Menachem's user avatar
  • 44.7k
1 vote
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Are opinion questions allowed?

Questions where there isn't a clear-cut answer, but a range of opinions. For example, questions about whether one should do something, rather than whether one can do something according to halacha.
Shmuel's user avatar
  • 10.6k
7 votes
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Lowercase "judaism" on the Ask a Question page

The "How to Ask" section on the Ask a Question page reads (emphasis mine): How to Ask Is your question about judaism? We prefer questions that can be answered, not just discussed. Provide ...
Charles Koppelman's user avatar
3 votes
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What advice do you have on writing better questions and answers for Mi Yodeya?

I still haven't earned a badge for Nice Question or Nice Answer, both of which require I get scores of 10 or more. I hit 9 once, but that was a while ago. Can someone suggest ways one can improve my ...
Bruce James's user avatar
  • 16.1k
3 votes
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"If I'm Jewish how should I behave on this site?" Where do questions like this belong?

If someone wants to ask a question about how Jewish users should behave on this site specifically according to Jewish law, where should they ask the question? On meta? For: It is a question about ...
user avatar
9 votes
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Irritation with poor questions

If I watch television on Friday night, will I go to hell? I am mildy surprised at the quick rejection (in the social sense) of this question. The comments convey exasperation and irritation with the ...
Michael Sandler's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Modifying a Question's Meaning After It was Answered

Sometimes a question is asked, and an answer is given which directly addresses the question. Then the question is edited in a way that changes what is being asked (as opposed to spelling/grammar, ...
Dov F's user avatar
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2 votes
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Why is there no badge for asking questions daily?

I don't know how badges work and if/how one can be created but I am surprised there is no badge for asking a question every day for 'X' number of days. Is there any reason why not? If not, is there ...
user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Should we populate Shut on this site?

(Almost) by definition, questions found in Shut are the ultimate "on-scope" questions. Should we populate questions with Shut (like start with Be'er Moshe [Igros Moshe forbade translations of his ...
ertert3terte's user avatar
  • 40.7k