To suggest Mi Yodeya content to be tweeted you don't have to know anything about Twitter. You just have to be interested in [searching][2] Mi Yodeya for excellent content that is timely in some way (see [above][1]).

- Check out a general [Jewish Calendar][3] to see what weekly parasha and holidays are coming up, or a [Daf Yomi calendar][4] to see what's coming up there. Or look at the [news][5] to see what Jewish stuff the world is talking about.

- [Search][6] Mi Yodeya for relevant (even if tenuously so) content, especially Q&A with particularly thought-provoking questions or informative answers.

- Go to the [tweet suggestions chatroom][7], and drop a link to the Q&A you found, along with which date/parsha/etc. it relates to (when relevant). 

- Optionally, feel free to add your own thoughts about why you like this Q&A, in particular.

- Don't worry about how, precisely, it'll be presented on Twitter. All you need to do is make the suggestion.

- Don't worry about duplicating someone else's suggestion. If worse comes to absolute worst, the same excellent content that multiple people like will be tweeted more than once. Not so bad.

Thanks for your help!
