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6 votes

Is youtube a source?

Youtube, like Facebook, Blogspot, Wordpress, or any other site full of user-contributed content, isn't a source. It's a platform -- same as a (physical) library. What counts is not where the content ...
Monica Cellio's user avatar
5 votes

Uncapitalizing a quoted text

I don't care much either way, but if you do change it please note as much (eg. "reformatted by me" or "changed to sentence case" or something like that). And come to think of it I support adding the "...
Double AA's user avatar
  • 100k
4 votes

Uncapitalizing a quoted text

I personally do not like reading capitalized content - it makes it harder/slower and "screams" at me. Soncino made an editorial choice, possibly in a time where italics or other fonts weren't as easy ...
mbloch's user avatar
  • 53.6k
2 votes

Uncapitalizing a quoted text

I agree with mbloch's answer here that the capitalized text is harder to read and is likely an artifact of the typography readily available to Soncino Press. But I'll go further and say that if you ...
msh210's user avatar
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