As announced on lo.yodeya, we're going to launch into public beta on Rosh Chodesh Nissan 5770 (March 16, 2010). Basically, this means that we're going to start posting links to mi.yodeya in as many appropriate public places we can come up with. I'll be sure to post more details about how you can help on lo.yodeya when the launch gets closer.
Some obvious first choices for forums in which to promote mi.yodeya are represented by the sharing buttons that are currently hiding below the copyright notice on the right-hand column. (Those are going to be placed more prominently soon, by the way.) Where else should we go? Do you have favorite places online to find out about the latest Jewish web activity?
UPDATE: There's a running list of public places in which mi.yodeya's been mentioned here. I'm definitely still open to suggestions.
UPDATE 2: This question was posted when Judaism.SE's progenitor, mi.yodeya, was trying to build readership. It is at least as relevant now that Judaism.SE is trying to do the same thing on a larger scale. Here is a new list of blogs that have linked here.