Last night some folks were talking in Bam about assembling a Mi Yodeya haggadah or haggadah supplement, drawing from questions and answers here. We are commanded to ask questions and learn at the seder, and we've got questions! Users of the haggadah/supplement could use whatever subset they wanted at their sedarim, which both adds something new and spreads knowledge of Mi Yodeya.
If you think this is a good idea, up-vote this question; if you think it's not, down-vote it.
Please use answers here to post any and all ideas about this project. Make sure to specify only one suggestion/idea per post, and know that it's ok to repost a slight variation of someone else's idea. Please vote and comment on suggestions to indicate agreement and disagreement.
If the community seems to be in favor we will open a second question to collect proposals for specific questions to include.
PS: In the meantime, please continue to ask lots of good passover-seder-hagada questions for potential use in the haggadah. Try and ask things you have seen asked or can imagine being asked at your seder.