We have several overlapping questions (not precisely duplicates) that cover the same territory. To save people regenerating the answer anew each time a new question is asked, should we do anything to tie these together and if so what?
- will the Messiah be the greatest torah scholar of the generation? (the newest one)
- Who is Moshiach?
- Are the Jews today still waiting for the Messiah to come?
- Why a human Messiah?
- Will the king messiah be a prophet?
- Why don't Jews think Jesus is the messiah?
(This list is the cumulative result of my seeing one of these, saying "haven't we had this before?", and adding my search results in comments. I've probably missed some.)
All are tagged messiah (correctly so). They are but a few of the questions on this topic. Does this "who is the moshiach / what are the job qualifications / how do we know it's him" cluster within the tag merit some sort of linking/sub-tagging/something else, and if so what?