At the end of Chanuka this year1, the Israeli Ministry of Education kicked off an exciting new project: "929 – Studying the Bible Together". The idea is very simple: each day, all different kinds of Jews study one chapter of Tanach together. It has some of the great features of Daf Yomi, such as getting many people on the same page in learning and getting people to tackle the entire body of work, and it adds an extra measure of accessibility, since Tanach is even more basic to Jewish identity and easier to get into than Talmud is.
The project has a beautiful, elegant website that features, each day, the day's chapter in text and audio, along with numerous supplementary materials in all different media. The chapter advances five times per week, Sunday through Thursday, with Friday and Shabbat reserved for catch-up and review. Today, the project is up to Bereishit 9. The goal is to complete the 929 chapters of Tanach thus in the Summer of 2018, to go with the celebration of the 70th birthday of the State of Israel.
I feel like this is something Mi Yodeya can and should take part in, somehow. If thousands and thousands of Jews from all over are learning a chapter of Tanach together, we should be able to contribute to and benefit from the united, distributed learning with our crowd-based Q&A and repository of content.
The core of the project is in Israel and currently, exclusively in Hebrew, which presents both a challenge and an opportunity to this community, whose language of discourse is English. The challenge is interfacing with a project that is principally presented in another language. The opportunity is to make a meaningful contribution to English-speakers who want to take part in the project.
So, should we participate? If so, how?
1. Coincident with and announced at the 2014 International Bible Contest for Adults, in which our friend Alexander Heppenheimer took second place.