Note: I think that if we want to ensure that all relevant users will read and apply the entire policy, we need to make it more inviting and readable than the incumbent version, especially if we're increasing the complexity of the rules. This is one attempt at that. I'd love to see other rewrites that demonstrate other ways to communicate this policy invitingly.
We pride ourselves on generating and maintaining clear, high-quality, serious questions and answers about Judaism. Once a year, though, for a couple of weeks, we also go in for something a little ... different.
Purim Torah Q&A
Purim Torah, silly parodies of real Torah discussion, is a way to loosen up during the Purim season, and look at Torah concepts from a new and creative vantage point:
"Henry & The Funhouse Mirror," by mob mob, used with permission
We want to have this fun without compromising our carefully-cultivated regular Q&A, so there are some rules:
Post Purim Torah questions between Rosh Chodesh Adar [Bet, if there is one] and a day or two after Purim, only1.
- 5776/2016: Sundown on March 9 through the evening hours of March 26
It's gotta be distinctly "Purim" (not serious), distinctly Torah, and distinctly Q&A. Purim Torah questions that don't have all three of these qualities may be closed.2
So, post sincere-looking questions (you know, the kind that invite answers) that:
- misinterpret a real Torah concept or Jewish text
- apply a distinctly Torah style (e.g. Talmudic analysis) to an irrelevant topic
Post answers in the same spirit3 as their questions, so no completely serious answers to Purim Torah questions, and no silly answers to serious (non-Purim-Torah) questions.
And (Don't skip!)
We don't want to confuse anyone, so please mark your Purim Torah questions in these two ways:
Apply the tag purim-torah-in-jest and no other tag.4
Paste this disclaimer, exactly as it is here, at the bottom of your question:
#This question is [Purim Torah]( and is not intended to be taken completely seriously. See the [Purim Torah policy](
Moderation Stuff
Close5 Purim Torah questions that aren't "Purim", Torah, and questions.
At the end of Purim Torah season, delete all Purim Torah questions that were closed as not ""Purim", Torah, and questions."
At the end of the Purim Torah season, close all open Purim Torah questions as "Off-Topic" with the close comment:
Purim Torah questions are on-topic only once a year, and will be closed after Purim. For details, see: Purim Torah policy
If you want an old Purim Torah question re-opened during this year's season, ask the moderators.
1. Of course, serious questions are also allowed and encouraged during this period!
2. On Meta, Purim Torah has to be about Mi Yodeya, not necessarily about Judaism itself.
3. No pun intended.
4. On Meta, apply the tags discussion and meta-purim-torah-in-jest.
5. Use "Off-topic/Other" as the reason.