We have a relaxed off-topic policy for Purim Torah. It is documented here and here. The context of this exception is
silly parodies of real Torah discussion - could be a worthy exception to this expectation
I think that some users have been abusing this relaxed standard to replace "silly parodies of real Torah discussion" with "something silly written in question form."
I think that there should be guidelines to what is valid Purim Torah tender. I think this is important in order that Purim Torah does not get watered down with low quality questions and detract from the fun and overall quality of this category.
Questions that seem to follow the thought pattern of "Sticking broccoli in your nose is silly. How can I turn that into a question instead of a statement?" should be closed as off-topic and not a real question (and downvoted, but that is of course always up to the voter). Questions that are just a forum for a bad pun should also be off-topic. These are not Purim-Torah - they are just silliness.
I think that questions that are devoid of one of the following three components should be put under review:
- A mis-application of a Torah principle
- A mis-interpretation of a Jewish text, be it Tanach, Talmud, or some later writing
- A "distinctly Torah style (e.g. Gemara/Rashi/Tosafot-formatted) analysis of some secular issue."
I hate to turn something that is meant to be light-hearted and fun into something bogged down with rules, but for the sake of saving the fun I think it is necessary.