We'd like to update our Haggadah publication this year, and for that, we need new questions and other improvements! According to my project plan, we should have a list of questions by Sunday, March 13 in order to progress to the next step.
So, what questions should we add? And also, are there new answers/edits to existing questions that are worthy of inclusion? Or perhaps posts that, upon revisiting, don't really need to be included? Post suggestions for all those here.
The current version (direct link) is missing questions on the following sections:
- Karpas
- Yachatz
- Maror
- Shulchan Oreich
- Possibly Tzafun
Please suggest questions to add to HMY, both in the above sections and in existing ones.
Here is a list of open, answered, upvoted questions in passover that have been asked since H-MY was published.
Ongoing discussion about this project is taking place in a dedicated chatroom.
(BTW, In the title, one question mark is part of Hagada - Mi Yodeya?; the other is a question mark. ;))