Generally, we expect all questions here to be written from the point-of-view of genuine curiosity, and we expect all answers to be genuine attempts to provide real information and analysis that directly addresses the question.
Last Purim, in the SE 1.0 incarnation of mi.yodeya, we broke these expectations a bit by indulging in a bit of Purim Torah - silly parodies of real Torah discussion. To make it clear which posts were not meant to be taken seriously, we tagged them all solely and exclusively with the purim-torah-in-jest tag.
There was some discussion, not long after this SE 2.0 site opened, of the particular meaning of this tag, and the question of whether to allow Purim Torah at all came up but was not formally put to the community as a full-fledged meta question. Now, with Purim about a month away, it's time to address this issue for real.
Should Purim Torah Q&A (questions or answers that are intended to be funny and not sincere) ever be allowed?
If so, should it be limited to a particular period? Purim day? Adar?
If so, should it be solely and exclusively tagged purim-torah-in-jest?
If so, are there any other restrictions we should enact to keep it from getting out of hand?