I wonder how hard it would be to find all citations to a given set of texts referenced on this site and post them for reference somewhere on the web.
Would anyone think this is a useful endeavor? Would anyone be interested in doing this?
I would imagine this presented as an index to Mi Yodeya organized by sefer and daf/chapter/verse/siman/halakha/etc.
Some proposed use cases:
Let's say you're learning (or have just learned) Hilchot Tshuva. You look up Hilchot Tshuva in the index and see a bunch of citations on Mi Yodeya. Are there questions that have been asked about Hilchot Tshuva that you can now answer? Are there answers citing Hilchot Tshuva that you can understand more thoroughly or perhaps reject? Are there different perspectives on Hilchot Tshuva that you can appreciate more or less now that it's fresh in your mind?
Another use case is preparing for a vort on the parasha. Not every citation gets into tags (often it's in the answer).
There are probably other uses I haven't considered. Would this be useful for folks?